
March 12, 2016

We are committed to giving the best and required education to remote areas and needy children for a better future and a better community. In the past, we had experience with those kinds of children who used to walk every day from their far villages to the school, which was very challenging and tough for little children to walk in the rainy season and winter time or we can say in that way too, it was tough for all seasons then we added with the school hostel facilities but it was not easy without resource and without parents understanding. but now parents also understand how it is nice for this era’s children to be in a good boarding school for their children’s better education and future. In the past, it was very tough for middle-class families and poor families to send their children to a good boarding school because either it was difficult to pay the big fee or they needed their children after school at their fields to work. We are trying our best to give this kind of education to needy children to get a good opportunity to get a good or inexpensive boarding school.

  1. Uniform Distribution 2024-2025: Recently we provided a school’s uniform for the academic year 2024-2025 to all our program students who are fully enrolled in our school, hostel, and scholarship program.
  2. New dormitory: Recently we added a new dormitory to give hostel children a neat and clean atmosphere so they can enjoy their time at the school hostel in a good environment, and children are thrilled with this facility.
  3. New Computer Lab: In this new academic year one new computer lab was added for the Jordi School’s children, and computer teachers teach them according to the class syllabus. With this new computer lab students are very excited and enjoying. Most children come from poor families where they do not get a chance to go to a good school where they can be equipped with all needed education which is very important for this era. We aim to provide them with a good quality of education to which we are committed.





TEACHERS’  DAY 2023 :  All teachers are awarded by the Nagar Palika Chairman of Mussoorie on the occasion of Teachers Day. We are very thankful to our leaders for their encouragement to the teachers.


All teachers are continuously teaching children online and visiting children from house to house in the villages to check their work, following all the rules of safety and maintaining social distancing. due to Covid-19. Right now all our teachers are continuously visiting the school’s students. They are knocking at the door to door, and checking students’ study progress.


Education plays the central role in escaping generational poverty. It’s been estimated that for every year a child stays in school. Unfortunately, many families in poverty consider education a luxury and even those who value it can find it difficult to afford. Himalayan educational literacy project society is providing good quality of education in remote area of foot hill Himalayas. Organization is not just running school but also bring importance of education in villagers knowledge. Through the skilful staff organization is helping villagers children to get better education for their future. Organization help to village children to get stationary for the year, uniform and nutrition food. Receipt

At H.E.L.P.S Organization, we strive for excellence in all we do for we know that our effort is not void. Nevertheless, it sets the standard and example for the students, women, families, and communities to persevere and strive to do their very best in all they set out to accomplish. This in time will result in dedicated, persistent, and diligent workers of the future today. Therefore, this also runs over into our technique of teaching and quality of education we provide at Sainji and Jordi Village School. Our focus and vision at Himalayan Education Literacy Program is to provide and establish good quality education as well as the needed supplies and vigor of producing properly effective and respectable leaders for tomorrow. We believe the next generation has the option and opportunity to change the future for good, if they are taught the vital distinction between right and wrong and how their choices and actions will either build up or destroy the work of our ancestors. Therefore, we strive to prepare and equip students for today’s future with new rising technologies that help better the lives of the students and the surrounding communities in the English Medium. We will continue providing good quality education to the remote villages of Uttarakhand.

Every year H.E.L.P.S Organization distributes new uniforms to each child of Sainji and Jordi School and the student’s provided stationary needed to establish well-qualified and distinguished students for today’s technologies and workforce. Our focus and vision for H.E.L.P.S Organization is to establish good quality education and proper development in rural areas for the provision of a better future for the community and surrounding region. This then leads to effectively growing the next generation to have more opportunities than prior generations. Due to our vision both Sainji School and Jordi School are distinguished from other schools in the region by the fact that we are an English Medium school rather than Hindi Medium. In providing the English Medium the children are better prepared and equipped for greater opportunities in the future that lead to a more prosperous and beneficial life for both the children and their families. In addition, H.E.L.P.S Organization helps the children and their parents with their financial burden by providing them new uniforms and sponsoring selected children’s education. Therefore, the children have the ability to grow into distinguished individuals who are equipped for every good work. By receiving new uniforms and stationary the children are encouraged and rewarded to continue their efforts to further their studies and grow into respectable, qualified, and distinguished individuals for the future. H.E.L.P.S Organization continues to prepare the next generation to be qualified to meet the needs of the current changing society in India, as it grows into a more prosperous nation, beginning in the children’s lives and their education.

In addition, we hold an annual conference for the scholarship children to gain feedback from the community, students, faculty, and families involved with our program. In addition, the annual Scholarship Conference continues to bring awareness of our program to provide more students the opportunity to further their studies as well as fund the H.E.L.P.S Organization in changing the lives of children and their families throughout the region. We offer 50 students the privilege to receive a scholarship each year to benefit their endeavors. This is a very exciting time for both the families and our team as we prepare to invest our time, energy, and money into furthering these children’s futures. The H.E.L.P Organization team views each child as a precious jewel worth every amount of effort to inspire, encourage, and administer help to secure their freedom and opportunities for their future.

Current Status : As all of we know, in this time every body wants to send their children in English medium school, even though they are villagers but their dream to send their children in English medium school. It was a big challenge for us to run English medium schools in mountain remote area but after very hard work and with committed teacher those really wants to help in remote area, we changed our school’s Hindi medium to English medium in this year. Now the problem is, villager doesn’t have that much income to fulfill the English medium expenses, our organization is helping them in that area and also encouraging them to support their children in their education and suggest them to pay nominal academic fee and some portion of books expenses. We trying to make our classes smart classes, conducting computer classes and other additional education and introducing them with modern academic system.