
April 13, 2017


We are committed to giving the best and required education to remote areas and needy children for a better future and a better community. In the past, we had experience with those kinds of children who used to walk every day from their remote villages to the school, which was very challenging and tough for little children to walk in the rainy season and winter time or we can say in that way too, it was tough for all seasons then we added with the school hostel facilities. Still, it was not easy without resources and without parents understanding. but now parents also understand how it is for this era’s children to be in a good boarding school for their children’s better education and future. In the past, it was very tough for middle-class and poor families to send their children to a good boarding school because it was difficult to pay the big fees or they needed their children after school at their fields to work. We are trying our best to give this kind of education to needy children to get a good opportunity to get a good or inexpensive boarding school.

  1. New dormitory: Recently we added a new dormitory to give hostel children a neat and clean atmosphere so they can enjoy their time at the school hostel in a good environment, and children are thrilled with this facility.


We are running hostel facilities with schools, where we have needy children but those are really very aware of their education. Our Society helps them to give good care hostel facilities under committed staff. We have 25 Students in Jordi school’s hostel. Where society gives 80% to charity and only 20% of Parents need to contribute. this contribution is also an education awareness skill with parents that they at least contribute for their children and understand and learn the values of education.

Now we have more accommodation for more needy children those who has passion for study but they don’t have that much resource. We encourage that kind of student to come and take benefit for their better education. We charge fee but nominally. We devided in two installment, 1st Installment during the admission and 2nd installment after 6 month of admission.

We Provied following things during the hostel:

  • Food, Veg/Non Veg.
  • Cloths for needy
  • School’s Books
  • Stationary
  • Uniform
  • Medical till Rs. 2000/-
  • Bedding
  • laundry

We help following things to the student after 8th grade, those children who gradguate from HELP International School:

  • Schoolarship- Monthly basis
  • Uniform
  • Stationary